My suggestions for my customers are the same thing I would do. It’s fun for me and I am sure everyone would also enjoy. After a short walk down Esplanade Ave admiring the ambiance a quick stop into Port of Call for my favorite walk around drink. The tequila based Red Turtle. Refreshing and cool with a sweet and sour type flavor. Strolling thru the Quarter in the day there are always new things to be seen. They were always there but new things are always noticed. Shopping on Royal St is always satisfying. There is something for everyone. Stopping in to hear the blues is the best bet for music. It’s everywhere from street corners to popular bars. Answering questions and talking with tourists along the way is quite rewarding.
Time for a snack it’s cerviche from El Gato Negro. Also cool and refreshing. Keeping cool in New Orleans is quite a chore in itself. Remember not to eat too much in one place because you’ll nose will tell you there is something else to try along the way. Just outside is the French Market with Items from all around the world with plenty of local food also. At the other end of the French Market is my favorite watering hole MRB with my favorite bartender Kelly. A very nice lady that’s always smiling and very friendly. It’s a local hangout with very reasonable drink prices. At dusk it’s time for an old drink. Absynthe. The best thing before a Haunted tour of the Quarter. After that it’s quiet time in Storyville’s garden. A cool drink before a relaxing sleep. Then it is tomorrow with an unlimited number of choices to start another day. New Orleans has something for all your senses. The sights, aromas, taste and sounds will keep you occupied.. Always remember… If you are not having fun….it’s your own fault.