Welcome to Hotel Storyville from the Owner.

But a hotel, as any business in the service industry, requires the owner’s constant care and attention to operate efficiently and effectively. That is my goal – constantly strive to maintain and improve Hotel Storyville for the enjoyment of my guests.
This was my intent – to offer visitors the best of both worlds. They can enjoy the excitement of the French Quarter and then retreat to the quiet and charm of Hotel Storyville!
So – if there is anything we can do to make you more comfortable or anything in your room that may need our attention, please, please don’t hesitate to call.
I moved to NOLA 16 years ago from St Thomas, USVI, where I owned a graphic design studio there for 14 years.
Soon after moving to New Orleans, I met a sweet, elderly couple that needed my design talent…they owned Hotel Storyville. As they were resident Inn Keepers, it was necessary for one of them to stay and mind the Inn while the other would travel. Later, they asked if I would ‘babysit’ the property so they could vacation together. I said yes.
In 2005, Katrina devastated much of New Orleans, although there was no flooding on the Esplanade Ridge where the hotel is located. The wife soon passed away and the remaining owner offered to sell the hotel to me. I readily said yes and began my new career as an Innkeeper.
In operating the hotel, I brought my love of the ocean and islands [décor wise], and a much needed renovation began.
Today almost a decade later, visitors look around and in a sense feel as if they are in a relaxed tropical garden in the middle of a bustling city in general, and the historic French Quarter in particular.
I love my job!
Barbara Ann Locklear
(228) 342-5382